Watchable is the project that I am most proud of. I have spent more time building out Watchable than any other project that I have ever made. Feature after feature, this app has everything I've ever wanted in a watchlist manager, from automatic reminders to movie database searching, to a where-to-watch table to make finding any movie or show an easy task.

Originally, the app worked by having the user fill in all the details about their title manually, such as movie name and notes, but has since been revised to instead use the tMDB database to get all that info automatically. I went through great lengths to accomodate users of the first version, which has given me a much better understanding of how to revise an app, and it's storage method, while still keeping user's data intact.

Privacy Policy

Watchable is a fairly simple app, that does not share your data. It is all stored locally on your phone and nothing is never sent to me, the developer, nor anyone else. If you click on "Open Show in App" then it will redirect you to the app, and if you do not have the app then it will take you to their site. Though, if you select Open in Netflix or Open in YoutubeTV it will open to that platform with a search of the title, so in a sense that title will be given to them. But I mean if you wanted to open up the app for your show, you'd end up searching for the show either way, this way I just help you get to the title you're looking for.