Screenshot Assistant

A Developer Tool for generating great looking promotional screenshots for the App Store. Simply Customize your Artwork, click the save button, and boom... a zipped file with all your perfectly generated screenshots for both 6.5" and 5.5" devices!

This app came around the same time as Icon Assistant, I guess I was having a bit of a macOS stint. I was unhappy with other tools that do something similar for generating app promotional art. Oftentimes they would generate with transparency (against Apple screenshot guidelines), or with the screenshot being offset by a pixel, creating a black line. I decided the best way to solve these issues was to make my own tool, which has optimized my workflow and allowed me to put more focus into making apps, rather than spending all of my time on promotional artwork.

Privacy Policy

Screenshot Assistant is designed to simply generate artwork from whatever the user inputs. It's read and write access is for grabbing whatever image you input into it, and write is for generating a zipped file of whatever sizes you designated. None of this data is shared externally and the entire app runs locally on your device.