No one can truly call themselves a programmer if they haven't tried their hand at a Conway's Game of Life simulator.

I wanted to throw my own spin on it, hence the design made in SwiftUI, a worlds first, as far as I can tell.

Not super efficient, but a cool classroom tool nonetheless!

Game of Cells is a super simple app based on the rules of mathematician John Horton Conway's "Game of Life". This app was designed by a high school student entirely in SwiftUI and aims to make the process as simple as possible. Teach students, friends, or just experiment on your own with the simple rules that create unique and fascinating patterns.

Privacy Policy

Game of Cells is a super simple app based on the rules of mathematician John Horton Conway's "Game of Life". The application does not store data between instances, and never sends it anywhere off device. It does not open any other apps, nor access the web. Purely on device storing of your data to maintain your privacy and ensure the safety of all using the tool.