
In my Senior Year of high school I collaborated with 4 other students to build a viable business that could operate in Davis, California, before pitching it to local investors. The project, which involved cheap, rentable bike locks which are connected to the bike racks all around town, neccesitated an iOS app to scan and connect to the locks. While the project did recieve an offer, our team opted to instead shut down CycleLock following our graduation. Nevertheless, this app served as the blueprint for the business.

I very much enjoyed the develpment of this app, as it felt like the culmination of many skills that I learned over my years as an app developer. Not only did this project challenge me creatively, but also on my presentation and leadership skills, my ability to collaborate on an app's design, and the structing and managing of a business. We went through so many revisions on our physical prototype, on our app design language, hell even on the color scheme. Developing a business model that can work with this unique situation in a way that is both providable and accessible was something that I had never had to do for an app before. I am incredibly greatful to have had the opportunity to work on CycleLock, and the various ups and downs that I went through with the CycleLock team will stick with me forever.