This project was originally designed to make keeping track of your finances simpler than ever.
It breaks your money into three easy categories, and tallies up what you have to spend. A rebuild is currently in development which can sync with your bank to
automatically get how much you have in live time.
My goal for this app initally was to monitor how much I was spending, in a way that was about as simple as using the Notes app, while still having built in math
operators to make the process a breeze. Shortly after, I began integrating automatic finances in the app. These would change the stash totals a set amount every month, or week,
or whatever duration you wanted. This helped with automated subscription service charges, income, etc. However, I have begun to wonder if I could instead just use a third
party service to automatically read out your bank balance, thereby eliminating the need for automatic reoccuring charges. This is something I am in the early stages of developing,
but has been on the backburner for some time now.